Streaming services (VOD) and film dissemination
Do you need help reaching out with films to your target audiences? We develop streaming services for companies throughout the Nordic region within the library industry, the education sector, the professional film industry, media houses, healthcare and the cultural industry.
Our services
Streaming services
Norgesfilm develops and delivers streaming services to companies throughout the Nordic region within the library industry, the education sector, the professional film industry, healthcare and the cultural industry.
Film dissemination
Do you need help with film dissemination? Ask us about the use of film in education, the production of learning resources and rights clearance of film. Our editorial staff is ready to help you further.
Technical film preparation
We provide complete services within post-production of film for streaming services in all Nordic countries. Our technical platform meets the market's requirements for stable, secure and easy film playback for your customers.
Borrow movies from the library
Filmoteket, the libraries' own film streaming service, was launched in April 2020. Norwegian libraries can now offer borrowers a digital film service as part of their lending services.
For the library
Do you represent a library that considers access to Filmoteket?
The library must be associated with the national library card ('Nasjonalt Lånekort') system in order to use Filmoteket, and the borrower must use his/ her national library card to borrow a film.

Rights management:
All our agreements are in line with current legislation within the film area and in accordance with organizations working with managing intellectual property rights for films.

Do you have a good idea you want to share with us?
Today, streaming takes place all over the web. In commercial film services and niche channels, via social media, on websites and in educational resources. Do you have a good idea of how you can use film to reach your target audience? We welcome input from you on good project ideas.

Norgesfilm acquires the Swedish library streaming service Viddla from April 30, 2024. With the acquisition, we strengthen our position as a leading player in streaming services in the Nordic region. ...
Bibliotekmøtet is an important meeting place where we meet many of our library customers. This year we were also visited by Culture and ...
On the occasion of The Great School Cinema Day on February 13, Norgesfilm AS and the Norwegian Film Institute (NFI) have launched a new school cinema service, Filmrommet skolekino. The service includes educational programs ...
Norgesfilm is continuously growing and developing. We are always interested in getting in touch with people who take pride in their ...