More than streaming movies for libraries
Discover the new way to borrow movies and keep your library's movie selection current, vibrant and more accessible. With Viddla, you give all your patrons greater freedom to experience movies whenever and wherever they want in Sweden.
Our philosophy is to offer more than "just" streamed movies. By that we mean that great emphasis is placed on accessibility and immersion. Viddla offers editorial content in the form of themed articles on the subject of film. We also make continuous improvements to increase accessibility for borrowers, libraries and filmmakers. Some examples are investment in short film, support for audio description, and gender equality labeling.
Always movie time - with Viddla
Viddla is a smart movie streaming service - developed especially for libraries and borrowers. The selection is made by our experienced editorial team in collaboration with our customer libraries.
Together we can mirror and complement your existing offering with everything from children's films to immortal classics, award-winning blockbusters and documentaries.
When your library takes out a Viddla subscription, your patrons can use the service with a computer, mobile phone or tablet. The most common way to watch the movies is via in the browser. There is also a free app for iOS (iPhone, iPad etc). You can influence the selection and present tips from your library, but otherwise we take care of the rest.
We deliver catalog entries for all films and inform about news related to the service itself. We also work to introduce films through different themes and inspiring articles so that your patrons have the opportunity to discover films they might otherwise have missed.
Viddla's offering continues to grow with new titles from the film companies we have agreements with. Because we work with DRM - the most secure level of encryption for both the customer and the supplier - we can work with all film rights holders.
Since the start in 2017, our film selection has grown to over 1900 films. Viddla strives to deliver both breadth and quality to reflect and complement the libraries' regular film selection. In our selection, we capture the entire breadth of the film medium: From children's films to immortal classics, from blockbusters to documentaries and of course international films from all over the world.
For children, we have a fantastic treasure trove, including access to SF's film catalog as well as favorites such as Shaun the Sheep, Pettson & Findus and Alfie Atkins. Classics include Ingmar Bergman's The Seventh Seal and Laurence Olivier in Hamlet. Documentaries cover fashion - Dior and I, music - Searching for Sugarman, and nature - The Meerkats, and examples of the international films are: Mustang (Turkey), Tango Libre (Belgium) and Under the Cherry Trees (Japan).
With Viddla, you avoid start-up or investment costs. Your library only pays for usage, and you decide how many loans a borrower can make per month.
- a library card with pin code at a library connected to Viddla
- internet connection and a device to watch on: computer, tablet or mobile
- be located in Sweden
- get to or search for the films in the library's catalog
- a growing quality selection for your library's offering...
We attach great value to our film publications where we prioritize quality over quantity. In our weekly #ThursdayPremiere, we publish new titles with self-authored presentations. In this way, we give each film more space and it becomes much easier for customers and borrowers to follow the development of the range. Each publication is highlighted in this way, on and on Viddla's Facebook and Instagram accounts. - ... combined with opportunities for libraries to participate
The selection is made by our film-savvy editors and the films that are found and added to Viddla become available to all affiliated libraries. We also involve our affiliated customers in the selection process by presenting lists of movie titles from our suppliers. Feedback from the libraries on the direction the catalog should take is valuable to us. - catalog items included
To create the best possible experience of Viddla for borrowers (and libraries), catalog entries according to BTJ standard are included free of charge for all Viddla films! This means that borrowers can directly click through to the movie via e.g. "Viddla" or "streaming film", after a catalog search. Viddla's entire inventory will be continuously updated to the catalogs of connected libraries regardless of system, even to those that are not connected to the Bibliographic Service. - Safety first and foremost
Viddla has the highest DRM protection (encryption protection), which protects both our customers and rights holders and is a requirement from some of our largest rights holders. - 2100 films
"We have access to thousands of titles from a number of contracted companies, but we work selectively with the selection process and do not set a limit on how many titles we will add to Viddla over time.
DRM - the most secure level of encryption for both customer and supplier
To ensure that only registered users of the library have access to the films, all films are protected with digital encryption, DRM, which stands for Digital Rights Management.
Encryption means that only authorized users can start and play a film. DRM is also a requirement from all major film companies to ensure that the films are protected and cannot be copied or otherwise illegally used or distributed.
We are also registered on, the Swedish Patent and Registration Office's portal where you can search for legal web services for e-film, e-books, music and more.
More info about DRM can be found here and here you can find us at Streamalagligt.
Here you can read more
Thanks to a close collaboration between BTJ and OLS, all libraries with Saga can now offer streaming movies in a new and smart way. Without extra development, borrowers get access to their favorite films directly in the library catalog. In the same simple way as for e-books.
Use our materials to inform library visitors about Viddla.
Get in touch with us
Anders Koppang-Grønn
CEO, Norgesfilm AS
Tel: + 47 38 12 41 00
Mob: + 47 91 56 03 49
E-mail: anders[at]