Privacy statement Norgesfilm AS

1. Introduction

1.1 Norgesfilm AS (hereinafter Norgesfilm) processes personal information about you, and therefore this Privacy Statement is made available to you. 

It is very important to us that you can always feel confident in how we process your personal information. Norgesfilm makes sure that we do everything we can to protect them, prevent unauthorized persons from accessing them, make sure they are correct, that they are used only in accordance with the purpose and is deleted when they are no longer needed, can be used according to the purpose or other legal purposes. Your personal information belongs to you.


2. Data controller

2.1 Norgesfilm (address Film & TV Huset, Odderøya 42, 4610 Kristiansand), reg. no. 884 374 022, is the data controller. This means that we are responsible for the processing of your personal data provided in connection with one or more of the film streaming services (VideoOnDemand/ VOD) Filmoteket, Filmrommet, Filmarkivet, Viddla and other film streaming services and film distribution solutions that Norgesfilm is involved in, as well as the company's Website.


3. Purpose and basis for the collection of personal data

3.1 We ensure that your personal information is only collected and processed in accordance with the purpose (s) stated here:

  1. To provide services that you have ordered for you and / or your business (contact details) and / or participation in a survey.
  2. To be able to answer any questions, comments or disputes you may have (contact details).
  3. Generating statistics and management of our services. The information is collected for Norgesfilm to obtain additional information about the users and to track their general userpatterns on the services for further development and improvement. 

3.2 Our basis for processing your data is your consent. When the basis of the treatment is such consent, you have the right to revoke this at any time.

3.3 We store your information as long as necessary to provide the service(s) you have booked.


4. Categories and use of personal information

We process personal data into two main categories: personally identifiable information, and non-personally identifiable information. 

Personally identifiable information is information that identifies you as an individual. Non-personally identifiable information is information and other information that does not disclose your personal identity.

We collect and process the following information in the following situations:

  • You can subscribe to newsletters for receiving e-mail from Norgesfilm about the relevant services, such as monthly email news about the film streaming service Filmrommet which is used by schools, libraries and other public operations, and newsletters reg. the library film streaming service Filmoteket. In order for us to send e-mail to the correct subscriber, you must register your first name, surname and e-mail address, as well as the name of the business if relevant. 
  • If you contact Norgesfilm, for example by e-mail, relevant information could be saved.
  • When you order a service from us, e.g. individual hire of or subscription to a film streaming service , for example with you name, address, phone number, e-mail and IP address. This information is required in order to deliver the ordered service. Card information and other financial information is never stored by Norgesfilm, but is stored by our subcontractor(s) of payment solutions so that Norgesfilm can deliver the service booked to you and/or your business.
  • When you visit Norgesfilm’s film streaming services. Norgesfilm does not link this information directly to you as a user, but to manage, maintain and improve our services, as well as use for statistics. The statistics help us for example to get answers about the amount of people using our services, which pages are most used, how long the visit lasts, keywords, what websites users come from, and which operating system and browsers are used. This makes it possible for us to improve our services. 
  • Norgesfilm uses "Cookies". These are small cookies (text files) The website asks your browser to store on your computer or mobile device. This allows the website to remember your actions or preferences over time, keep you logged in etc.

5. Your rights

5.1 If you have any questions about our processing of your personal data, you may contact us via the Contacts information described in section 9.

5.2 You can at any time access your personal information or ask us to get incorrect personal information corrected, supplemented or deleted by directing your inquiry to us through the contact information described in section 9. You can also request that the treatment be limited or correct to our processing of your personal information.

5.3 If you wish to complain about our handling of your personal information, you may contact the Norwegian data protection authority. Norwegian data protection authority.


6. Transfer of personal data

6.1 Transfer of personal information to professional advisers or third-party vendors in order to provide you and/or your business as ordered services may only be done in accordance with current data protection legislation.

6.2 Only trusted co-workers, representatives and contractors with work related needs get access to your personal information in compliance with current data protection legislation, and only to the extent that is necessary to deliver ordered service(s) to us or services on our behalf.

6.3 We reserve the right to apply or convey any further information if necessary to comply with current legislation, conduct surveys or further investigation, or to answer your inquiries. 

6.4 We transfer your personal information to the email marketing service MailChimp. The transfer of personal data is done in accordance with current data protection laws, including agreements with our data controllers, but so that personal information is only maintained within the specified purpose and required security considerations are taken care of. 

6.5 Personal information that we have collected from you may be transferred to countries outside the EU/EEA. In this case, Norgesfilm will ensure that transfers either occur to countries that the European Commission has determined have an adequate level of security, or such that transmission is based on the standard requirements of the European Commission.


7. Archiving and deleting information

The personal information (name, address, e mail address, telephone number, etc.) the user has provided on one or more of Norgesfilm’s services, including (but not limited to) personal data related to the purchase or hiring of films, is stored in Norgesfilm’s databases. These databases are stored at our Nordic and global leading business providers with high skills and experience in the field of computer security and privacy. 

Norgesfilm retains information that is required or permitted by current laws and regulations, amongst other things to meet your wishes, in the billing and archival context, and for the purposes set forth in this privacy statement. 

All information will be deleted from our databases when we delete data that is no longer needed. 

Norgesfilm uses the Google Analytics analysis tool to collect general usage data for our services. These data do not collect personal information, but more technical information like the end user's operating system, browser, mobile version, time, movies, and site. This is data that we use to improve our services and will be deleted after 26 months.


8. Securing information

Norgesfilm has established rules and practices for the protection of personal data and privacy.

If we treat "non-personally identifiable information" combined with "personally identifiable information" (such as your name combined with e mail address), the aggregated information will be treated as personally identifiable Information. We use reputable methods and systems to protect all information.

If we provide your personal information to a third party, we will ensure that there are arrangements and agreements that secure the information and prevent third parties from using your personal information for purposes other than those agreed upon.

We use all reasonable precautions to ensure that our employees, data processors and third parties, who have access to information about you, are only processing such information in accordance with this statement and our obligations towards the Privacy laws.


Contact information

Norgesfilm AS
Address: Film & TV Huset, Odderøyveien 53, 4610 Kristiansand
VAT: 884 374 022